Monastery of Carracedo

Daughter monasteries

Monastery of Villanueva de Oscos (1203 - 1835) Belmonte monastery (1206 - 1835) Monastery Peñamaior (1225 - 1835) Monastery of San Martin de Castañeda (1245 - 1835)

The Monastery of Carracedo ( Monasterio Santa María de Carracedo; Carracetum ) is a former Cistercian abbey in the village of Carracedelo. It is located in the comarca of El Bierzo, León Province, Autonomous community Castile and León in northwestern Spain 12 kilometers west of Ponferrada.


The monastery was founded around the year 990 of Bermudo II of León and Galicia as a refuge for monks Mozarabic and initially the Saviour (San Salvador) consecrated. 997, it was largely destroyed by Almanzor. 1138 Infanta Doña Sancha the renewed, the sister of King Alfonso VII of Castile, prospering as a result monastery. In 1203 it joined under the name of Santa María de Carracedo the Cistercian order and assumed the the monastery of Citeaux. After a critical development in the 14th century it joined in 1505 the Castilian Cistercian Congregation, but fell into the Coming. At the beginning of the 19th century expansion works were started, but ended with the outbreak of the Spanish War of Independence in 1808. In the disentailment under the government of Juan Álvarez Mendizábal the monastery was dissolved in 1835. As a result, it became more and more into decay. From 1988 until 1891, the Monastery of the Leonese Provincial Government and the Diocese of Astorga was renovated. In 1929 it was declared a historic monument ( Bien de Interès Cultural ).

Buildings and plant

The original church in Romanesque- Gothic transition style with three naves and three apses was almost completely demolished around 1796 in favor of the new construction of a single-aisled neo-classical church. From the earlier church, among other things, a late Romanesque oculus and a semicircular tympanum with the Pantokrator have survived. South of the church is the renewed in the 17th century, arched cloister, sacristy, chapter house with four columns, Romanesque and late Gothic vaults and access parlatorium. Above chapter house and parlatorium are the Royal Apartments ( Palacio Real) to the Mirador de la Reina, a covered terrace. On the south side the refectory dating from the late 13th century. In the Abtsbibliothek there are exhibition rooms today. The cloister of the guest tract was built around 1800. From the third courtyard still standing walls of the novice tract. Preserved are the kitchen and the Torkapelle.

See also

For more historical information, see main article Camponaraya.
