
Morpheme is a technical term in linguistics for the smallest linguistic unit that is associated with a meaning or grammatical function, and thus the " central concept " of the word doctrine. A word may be a morpheme represent or be composed of several morphemes.

  • 3.1 word ability
  • 3.2 Status word
  • 3.3 Function
  • 4.1 Nullmorphem
  • 4.2 Discontinuous morpheme
  • 4.3 Bound lexical morpheme
  • 7.1 General Introduction linguistic literature
  • 7.2 Special linguistic introduction literature
  • 7.3 Further Literature



Morphemes are generally defined as " the smallest meaningful (linguistic ) unit "; more precisely as follows: " The morpheme is the smallest phonetic or graphic unit with a meaning or grammatical function."

For example, the word tables, written ⟨ ⟩ and Ti · cal spoken / ' tıʃə / composed of two morphemes: { table } { -e }; here is { table } the word core with the meaning, furniture with top and legs ' and { - e} is the ending with the function majority ' [ plural ]. The word forests, forests ⟨ · ⟩ of / ' vɛl.dɐ /, can also be in two syllables, wäld { } { } -er, be dismantled. Here, the morpheme that makes the word nuclear comes in two different forms, called morphs before: { forest } and { } for wäld [ singular ] and [ plural ]. Similarly, the morpheme [ plural ] or, more precisely [ plural nominative ] different forms: { - e} for table or { umlaut } { - it } in the forest, and other forms of other nouns: { car } { -s etc. }

A morpheme is on the content page, by definition, always a meaning or grammatical function. It can always be expressed on the expression side, either in the same form (see " Table " ), or even several variants ( allomorphs ) (cf. " forest - Wäld " or [ plural ]: { -e ,-er, -s, ... }).


The term morpheme was developed by Baudouin de Courtenay before 1881. Leonard Bloomfield adapted the concept and has made him well known, but used it with a constricted meaning, so that in him the Glossem is synonymous with the modern morpheme. Its definition was consolidated only with Eugene Nida.

Aristotle took as morphemes only names and verbs, because in connection to Plato's Sophist to such phrases as " N. sits " and thus limited to predicative sentences.

Notwithstanding the prevailing language of the French linguist André Martinet calls the morpheme in the above sense " Monem ". A free Monem called Martinet " lexeme ", a bound " morpheme ".

Until well into the second half of the 20th century and speech syllable can be found as a synonym for morpheme and stood next speech syllable and syllable writing as a special case of the syllable.


→ On the subject of language unit see also constituent.

A morpheme is the smallest unit of language function-bearing on the content and level of expression in the language system ( langue ). Morphemes are abstract entities of Langue, which are obtained by segmentation (ie, through a process that divides the speech stream into individual constituents )

Morph and allomorph

Morphs are referred to as representation units ( Parole ) and a morpheme as a class of equivalent morph ( Langue ).

Morphs, which are variants of the same morpheme are called allomorphs or allomorph each other. Allomorphs, since they are classified, units of the language system ( langue ). For example, { dog } and { } little dog ( in dog-like ) first two morphs; it has been recognized that they represent the same function for different contexts, they are considered two allomorphs of the lexical morpheme dog.

Grapheme and phoneme

Morphemes are phonetically as phoneme and grapheme in writing as realized ( unless a Nullmorphem was set ). The classic definition of the phoneme as the " smallest functional distinctive unit must be disconnected from the Morphemdefinition as the smallest functional unit bearing.

The non- content- bearing, meaning distinctive elements of a morpheme are called phonemes when they are expressed phonetically, and graphemes when they are expressed graphically (as letters, digits ). There are characters that correspond to a morpheme, eg, digits or many sinograms, and logograms or Morphogramme be called.


The morpheme is not identical to the syllable, and hence the traditional name " suffix " for an attached word-final morpheme is not actually correct. Even if a morpheme could in itself constitute a syllable (eg,- er or- s in the examples below), comes in the decomposition of the whole compound word in spoken syllables often just another syllable division out:

In the German orthography often arises in word separation at the end of the line is a direct competition between morpheme and syllable division. While in the German spelling before 1996 are largely the morpheme should be kept together on one line, preferably the new orthography a real hyphenation.


The morpheme differs from the word. For a morpheme, it is irrelevant whether it can occur independently or not; the word, however, is defined as the smallest form that can stand independently. Words consist of one morpheme.


A lexeme is an abstract unit, the importance Laut-/Schriftbild, grammatical features and possibly different inflectional forms of a " word " summarizing; this term is thus to be distinguished from the " lexical morpheme ", ie a morpheme that carries lexical meaning and can serve as a basis for the marking of grammatical information.


The spelling of morphemes and morphs done inconsistently. Often Morph (em) are boundaries using simple dashes (-) marked, but many authors use additional visual aids to delimit morphemes.

Uppercase or small caps are used primarily for grammatical Funktionsmorpheme and not for lexical Inhaltsmorpheme or morphs. In the above example disassemble the inflectional ending - s { } a case ( morph) of abstract grammatical morpheme [ infinitive ], the prefix { decompose } is a concrete derivational and { -leg - } is the lexical stem.

  • { zer } affix { leg } { s } [ infinitive ]

Division into classes

Morphemes can be classified according to various criteria according to

Word ability

Grundmorpheme (also called " Wurzelmorpheme ", " roots ", " base " or " cores " ) " are the indispensable lexical nuclei of words ".

Roots are " normally", ie not necessary free before. The division into Wurzelmorpheme and affixes is therefore similar, but other than that in free and bound morphemes.

Affixes are morphemes that are not Grundmorpheme. These are divided either according to their position in the word form in prefix, suffix, infix or Zirkumfix or according to their function in the derivational and inflectional affixes.

Word Status

The classification of morphemes in free and bound occurs according to whether they can occur as words in the sentence or not.

A free morpheme occurs as the sole word form. In a strict interpretation, it is not part of a Flexionsparadigmas: { in, only, and }. Many authors refer to morphemes even as free if they as an independent word form - among other occur - usually the nominal form: { man, beautiful, fruit }. In the first case, therefore, is to free the Flexionsunabhängigkeit meant ( cf. particles), in the second the importance of autonomy ( cf. Semantem, lexeme ).

A bound morpheme never occurs as an independent word form, but only together with other morphemes in a word form. By working more importance is the additional challenge that the morpheme gains its meaning only from this link.

Bound morphemes in the narrow sense, the inflectional endings (eg, { - s ,-er, -st, -t }), and the suffixes in discharges ( eg { -ing, - sam, -ung }). In a broader sense also includes some lexical morphemes ( eg { Him } in - raspberry, { } Schorn - in chimney) and syntactic morphemes ( eg { bible }) to do so.

Verb stems are often viewed as bound lexical morphemes, as they are always used with an inflectional ending together. ( The imperative singular has an inflectional ending, as Nullallomorph { -}. Occurs or as allomorph { -e })

A bound morpheme requires at least one other ( free or bound ) morpheme order to form a word can; eg form { contain } and { - s }, which attach themselves to a verb stem as { come } and escape. A word like injustice consists of only two bound morphemes. Such cases are common in morphemes that come from other languages ​​(such as bio- { } and { } -ogy, the two bound morphemes ) or lost their independent significance in the course of language development is gone.

Whether an morpheme bound or free occurs, depends on the language. In German it is called home and my house, Turkish ev 'house' and evim my house ".


The lexical morphemes ( l - morphemes ) or Inhaltsmorpheme, also lexemes denote real or imaginary persons, objects, situations. So you are morphemes with a referential function. Lexemes form the " basic component of a word ." They form the stems or roots of words, so make the basic inventory of the words of a linguistic fields The inventory of morphemes is open, ie expandable.

The grammatical or functional morphemes (f- morphemes ) or Funktionsmorpheme, also Grammeme, however, do not form words, but alter them according to grammatical rules and carry grammatical information. They are further divided into Flexionsmorpheme and Wortbildungsmorpheme.

Flexionsmorpheme or reflexive morphemes show syntactic properties of the strain to which they inflect, that is, they express its grammatical features.

Wortbildungsmorpheme or derivative morphemes derive new words from the existing and often changing it from the word class or part of speech, that is their function relates to the word education.

Special cases


A special case is the Nullmorphem {∅ } dar. This is a morpheme is not realized phonetically or in writing.

A Nullmorphem can be justified, inter alia, description technical reasons, for example when switching between Flexionsaffixen and their absence in the paradigm of a word.

The Nullmorphem it possible that you can represent with a total uniform root word ending the inflectional system of nouns.

Discontinuous morpheme

Another special case is the discontinuous morphemes, where a sequence of separate morphs together form a morpheme. They occur in the derivation, as in flexion.

Bound lexical morpheme

Lexical morphemes also occur as bound morphemes that are not affixes. The verb stems are sometimes so construed, as they are always only in combination with flexion or Ableitungsmorphemen and never used alone.

Confixes have a stronger lexical meaning and reason, in contrast to unikalen morphemes occur in several environments in conjunction with derivation or composition.

Unique morphemes occur only in a single combination, and only in conjunction with a special combination partners own meaning; so for example, { } lier - in - lier ver -en.

