Mount Osore

The Osore - zan, also Osore -yama (Japanese恐 山, dt fear - mountain ), is a to 879 m high mountain range of volcanic origin on the Shimokita Peninsula in the northeast part of Aomori Prefecture in Japan. He is at the northeastern end of the main island of Honshu in the Quasi-National Park Shimokita Hanto.

On the banks of the crater lake Usoriyama -ko (宇 曽 利 山湖) presumably founded by Ennin Entsū -ji Temple (円 通 寺) is from the 9th century.

For naming, there are two traditions: After one of the name comes from the time of the thermal baths at Osore -zan of the fearsome odors of sulfur compounds. The other states Osore had derived from the Ainu language from the word for us or bay. The usor Mountain have it actually left a scary impression on coming from the south Japanese.

The mountain is regarded as the input image or the Buddhist underworld and Japanese shaman holy. During the annual meeting in late July, it should be possible by means of Itako ( Japanese shaman ) with the dead to contact. According mostly looking relatives of the deceased, the area of the mountain. Countless small cairn of visitors are left in the belief that the souls of dead children are doomed to pile up at the border between this world and the hereafter stones to be redeemed. Alone, however, they can not finish this work because their cairns are repeatedly overturned by evil demons. Many left behind small figures and toys are also deceased children.

This, and the ground of the surroundings make for an eerie aura of the mountain: Nearby you come allenthaben to larger, animal and plant less water holes in the chalky bright forest floor.

The Osore -zan is regarded as one of the three spirits of mountains ( Osore - zan, Kōya - san, Hiei -zan ) and one of the three ghosts sites of Japan ( Osore - zan, Haku - san, Tateyama ). He is not a typical tourist destination.
