Mühlenau (Rellau)

The Mühlenau in Pinneberg in winter 2008

The Mühlenau in Pinneberg, 1200 m before the confluence with the Pinnau

Template: Infobox River / Obsolete

The Mühlenau (also: Rellau or Rellingbeck ) is a stream and later small river in Schleswig -Holstein.


The Mühlenau arises on the eastern edge of the spar Moors ( the city Quickborn belonging ), just off the A7 motorway, several trenches. In meadows and pastures between Norderstedt and Hasloh then increases from left to the wider Moorbek. Later they crossed Bönningstedt and Ellerbek and Rellingen for which it is also known there as Rellau.

South Rellingens forms the Mühlenau in parts the border to Pinneberg. Here flows on Pinneberger area, the Düpenau to. Finally, the Mühlenau opens to the west of Pinneberg in the Pinnau.

  • River system Pinnau
  • River in Europe
  • River in Schleswig -Holstein
  • Waters in the district of Pinneberg
  • Waters in the Segeberg