Music criticism

Music critic is written the job title for a person who reviews and meetings eg via instrumental and orchestral works, operas, operettas, musicals and other musical works for the stage and vocal and choral works as well as rock, pop or jazz and other related styles. These may be published in a specialist journal similarly as in daily newspapers or weekly newspapers, as well as in radio or television or the Internet. The training to become a music critic is nowadays occasionally as part of a study of musicology, usually in contact with various media.


In past centuries, music critics were not specifically designed for this profession. In general, it was composer or musician who brought a corresponding writing talent besides a lot of experience in the technique of composition and contemporary music. Since there was no phonographic recordings of musical works to the end of the 19th century, the music critics were dependent in large part by the need to create through the study of notes, scores and piano reductions the necessary basis to judge a work properly. The visit of performances was one of them - these were, however, mainly in the first half of the 19th century not as obvious as one accepts it now take for granted. At the present time the basis for the evaluation of musical works in addition to attending performances of form, of course, such as CDs and radio broadcasts on the basis of a theoretical "reading " or practically applying score studies. A desirable, extensive possible knowledge or strong interest that goes far beyond the " classical music " and all areas of art and epochs recorded ( literature, fine arts, politics, anthropology, film art or pop and its development from antiquity to the present day ) Although not a requirement, but provides the published texts usually on a secure foundation.

The two private music specialized bodies of the 19th century were published by the music publisher Breitkopf & Härtel Terms of musical newspaper and founded by Robert Schumann and Friedrich Wieck Neue Zeitschrift für Musik.

Well-known music critic of the 19th century

  • The composer Robert Schumann ( see also: Florestan and Eusebius )
  • The writer ETA Hoffmann, who published his criticisms under the pseudonym " Johannes Kreisler "
  • The composer Hector Berlioz,
  • The composer Claude Debussy, of the fictitious interlocutor " Monsieur Croche " created for its reviews,
  • The composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky,
  • The musicologist Eduard Hanslick,
  • The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
  • The writer George Bernard Shaw.

Well-known music critic of the 20th century

  • The sociologist and philosopher Theodor W. Adorno,
  • The writer Romain Rolland,
  • The music critic Alfred Einstein,
  • The music critic Hans Heinz Stuckenschmidt,
  • Theater, literature and music critic Joachim Kaiser,
  • Music writer and composer Ferdinand Pfohl,
  • The publisher and author Martin penitents,
  • Music journalist and rock music critic Robert Christgau.

Music criticism in satire

Comedian Georg Kreisler has taken in his song The music critic of the profession in a satirical manner under the microscope, the text states nevertheless, you need not know anything about music to have, but could by writing about music and musicians earn lucrative money.
