
Phaeocalicium polyporaeum

The Mycocaliciales are an order of Ascomycota that form an own subclass Mycocaliciomycetidae.


The species form disk-shaped, stalked or sedentary fruit bodies ( ascomata ). The excipulum is cup-shaped and how the Stielhyphen at least partially sclerotized. The spore propagation takes active, rarely passive. In the latter case, the ascomata have a Mazaedium. The ascus has only one wall layer ( is unitunicat ), cylindrical and usually has a significantly thickened tip. There shall be eight ascospores per ascus. The ascospores are light to black - brown, ellipsoidal, round or cubic, or not up to seven times transversely septate. The spore wall is pigmented, smooth or ornamented.

Some species form Vulpinsäure.

The anamorphs are coelomycetisch or hyphomycetisch.

Way of life

The Mycocaliciales live as parasites than commensals on lichens or as Saprobionten.


The order stands at the base of the class Eurotiomycetes. The cladogram is as follows:




Eriksson leads for the order two families:

  • Mycocaliciaceae Chaenothecopsis
  • Mycocalicium
  • Phaeocalicium
  • Stenocybe
  • Pyrgidium
  • Sphinctrina