National Anthem of Colombia

The Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia is the national anthem of Colombia. It is also often referred to because of their text as Gloria Inmarcesible Oh, this name is not officially in use.

Your text is by Rafael Núñez, who, crucially shaped the Colombian Constitution of 1886, which was valid until 1991. The music is by the Italian composer Oreste Sindici.

On October 28, 1920 Oh Gloria Inmarcesible was declared by the Law 33 on the national symbols of Colombia 's national anthem. The adoption of the law by the then President Marco Fidel Suarez it was officially confirmed.

The Colombian national anthem consists of eleven verses and a chorus, on ceremonial occasions but only the first verse is sung. The National Anthem has to be broadcast daily at 6.00 and at 18.00 clock clock by all broadcasters in the country due to a law.


