National Council (Namibia)

The National (English National Council) is the upper house of the bicameral Parliament of the Republic of Namibia. The National Assembly is the lower house of the country. The National Council meets since 1996 in the National Council Building to the east behind the Ink Palace, seat of the National Assembly.

According to the Namibian Constitution of March 1990, the National Council of Namibia political consultative and 26 deputies, two out of the 13 regional councils in the country ( since August 9, 2013 14 regions ), respectively.

President of the National Council is currently Asher Kapere.

Distribution of seats

Seat distribution in the House of Representatives:

Members of the National

Members of the National Council of 13 December 2010 to December 2015: SWAPO: Sipapela Cletius Sipapela, Germina Ndapua Shitaleni, Dawid Boois, Nimrod Mbandu Meremi, Pink Kunyanda Kavara, Ambrosius Kandjii, Phillipus Wido Katamelo, Jesse Kapenambili, Bernardinus Shikongo Shekutamba, Rosalia Shilenga, Lebbius Tangeni Tobias, Ndapewoshali Nangula Nambili, Bernard Songa Sibalatani, Asher Kuveri Kapere, Barakias Namwandi, Theo Vivian Diergaardt, Hilma Nicanor Ndinelago, Margareth Mensah -Williams Natalie, Ruth Kepawa Nhinda, John Kamati Nakwafila, Kilus Nguvauva, Aram Martin, Henock Tangeni Kankoshi, Moses Kgao Coma UDF: Hendrik Goabeb DTA: Kazeongere Zeriapi Tjeundo
