
Nergal - sarra - usur (also Neriglissar; † 556 BC) ruled from 559 BC to 556 BC as the Neo-Babylonian king. Even as dignitaries he married Nebuchadnezzar's daughter Kaššaia.


The first arrangement as heir comes of 4 August 560 BC; 559 BC began the first year of reign. On April 9, 556 BC, the last statement was occupied as king.

In the year 560 BC, his brother- Amel -Marduk was assassinated because he did not represent the interests of the Babylonian oligarchy. At the time of his accession, he was probably already at an advanced age, but did quite a few successful campaigns, including in Cilicia. His death in 556 BC was still surprising. He left the kingdom to his son Lābāši -Marduk.

He's probably with the Hofmeister Nergal - sharezer mentioned in the Bible (Jer. 39.3 EU ) are identical, according to the biblical tradition in the conquest and destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BC was involved.

Leap years during the reign

During his reign subsequent leap months are busy:
