NGC 404

NGC 404 is the designation of a dwarf galaxy of type S0 in the constellation Andromeda. NGC 404 has an apparent magnitude of 10.0 like an angular extent of 3.5 '× 3.5 arcmin, about 10 million light- years away. Seen from Earth, NGC 404 is only seven minutes of arc from the star Mirach ( β Andromedae ) away, which is why the galaxy is sometimes referred to as the " spirit of Mirach ". Although NGC 404 was recorded as a member of the loose galaxy group LGG 11, an actual physical bond to the other members of this group because of the large distance is unlikely. NGC 404 was discovered on 13 September 1784 by William Herschel.

The mass - light ratio is about 44 M ☉ / L ☉.
