
Nothocestrum latifolium

Nothocestrum (on hawaiian Aiea ) is a string of five or six species genus of the family Solanaceae. The genus is endemic to the Hawaiian Islands.


The Nothocestrum species are shrubs or trees up to 15 meters high, the trunk diameter can reach up to 15 cm. The wood is soft and green.

The often paired leaves are leathery or membranous; ovate, ovate - elliptic, ovate -oblong or ovate - cordate; the leaf tip is pointed, blunt or slightly notched, base rounded or rarely shield -like; the blade halves are not equal to the part. They reach a size of (2.5 ) 5-10 (20 ) x ( 2) 5 to 10 ( 12.5 ) cm. The petioles are ( 2) 8-20 (35 ) mm long.

The fourfold flowers are showy fragrant; to flower stems with a length of ( 3) 5-8 (18 ) mm; single standing, rarely in groups of two to three, or at conspicuous spurs in clusters of up to ten flowers. The bell-shaped, tubular or almost urn-shaped calyx is 8-12 (18 ) mm long; tomentose or pubescent; unequal viergezähnt two - viergezähnt, vierlappig or almost bilobed. The stalk dish-shaped crown is greenish, greenish- yellow or yellow, ( 8) provided 10 to 13 ( 19) mm long and with four egg-shaped lobes. The silvery outer epidermis is first provided with genus-specific upstream multicellular simple trichomes, however, soon disappear. The flower tube is not longer than the calyx or is on the cup out. The four stamens are located within the flower stand out or partially, the anthers are sessile, fixed posteriorly and 2.8 to 3.5 ( 4) mm long.

The berries are round and 6-8 mm in diameter, or oblong - fusiform and 12 to 20 mm long, orange or reddish -orange. In some species, they are not included in or slightly enlarged calyx. They contain only a few seeds, which are kidney-shaped and pressed from 2 to 2.5 mm long.


  • Nothocestrum breviflorum A.Gray
  • Nothocestrum latifolium A.Gray
  • Nothocestrum longifolium A.Gray
  • Nothocestrum peltatum Skottsb.
  • Nothocestrum subcordatum H.Mann