
Nothotsuga longibracteata is the only species of the monotypic genus Nothotsuga in the family (Pinaceae ). She is a native to China coniferous tree species, which was discovered in 1932.

  • 4.1 Notes and references


The characters of the genus Nothotsuga lie approximately between hemlock ( Tsuga ) and Keteleeria.

Vegetative characteristics

Nothotsuga longibracteata grows as evergreen tree, reaching heights of growth to about 30 meters and trunk diameter (DBH ) of about 1 meter. The bark is dark brown. The 1 to 1.5 mm long stalked leaves have a flat, needle-shaped, 1.1 to 2 (rarely to 2.4 ) cm long and 1-2 (rarely to 2.5 ) mm wide leaf blade. The stomata are arranged in each of several lines on both leaf surfaces.

Generative features

Nothotsuga longibracteata is monoecious getrenntgeschlechtig ( monoecious ). The only purple to red, dark brown when ripe cones stand upright and have a length of about 2 to 5.8 inches long and has a diameter of about 1.2 to 2.5 centimeters. In the center of the pin, the seed scales wide rhombic to almost circular with a length from 0.9 to 2.2 centimeters and a width of 1.2 to 2.5 centimeters. The bracts are 0.7 to 1.8 inches tall. The triangular- ovoid seeds have a length of 4 to 8 mm and a width of 2.5 to 3 millimeters. The ovate - oblong wings have a rounded tip. From pollination to maturity, the cones need six to eight months, after which they fall as a whole or whether the cone scales detach from the spindle and fall off one by one. The pollen is open between March and April, and the seeds ripen in October.


The home of Nothotsuga longibracteata located in China in the provinces of northeastern Guizhou, southwestern Hunan, Guangdong northern, northeastern Guangxi and southern Fujian.

They make small pure stands or mixed into evergreen, broad-leaved sclerophyllous forests (along with species of the genera bill chestnut ( Castanopsis ), Lithocarpus and oak (Quercus ) ) or mixed into forests with Fagus longipetiolata, Pinus kwangtungensis, Tetracentron sinensis and other species. The projects are located on the sunny slopes on acidic soils in areas with cool, temperate, humid climates with frequent rainfall and mists. They occur at altitudes of (300) 400-1900 (2300) feet.

Since 1998, the IUCN Nothotsuga longibracteata classifies as an endangered species. The reason for this is the deforestation of the original distribution area.


This species was in 1932 as Tsuga longibracteata of Wan -Chun Cheng in Contr. Biol Lab. Chin. Assoc. Advancem. Sci., Sect. Bot, 7 ( 1): 1 first published. However, this species differs in many features from the Tsuga species. So it was renamed in 1948 in Travaux du Forestier Laboratorie de Toulouse, T.1 ( 4,24 ), pp. 24-28 in Nothotsuga × tsugo - keteleeria ( WCCheng ) Van Campo & Gaussen. In 1989 she was in Nothotsuga longibracteata ( WCCheng ) Hu ex CNPage in Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh 45 (2 ), pp. 390 renamed, this is the currently valid name. Other synonyms are Tsugo - Keteleeria longibracteata, ( Cheng) Van Campo - Duplan, et Gaussen, Nothotsuga longibracteata ( Cheng) Hu, Hesperopeuce longibracteata ( Cheng) Cheng. The valid Erstöffentlichung of the genus name Nothotsuga applies Hsen - Hsu Hu Christopher Nigel Page: Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh 45, 1989, p 390


  • Information on the genus and species from The Gymnosperm Database. (Section Description and systematics)
  • Liguo Fu, Nan Li, Thomas S. Elias & Robert R. Mill: Pinaceae in the Flora of China, Volume 4, 1999, p 39: Tsuga longibracteata - Online.