Nouvelle Cuisine

The term nouvelle cuisine (French new kitchen ) was probably in 1768 mentioned in the Dictionnaire sentencieux as a critical swipe at the departure from recent civil, simple cooking habits for the first time. Today is meant by this term one developed in the 1970s in France, little opulent culinary art that strives to preserve to the natural taste of food. The term " Nouvelle Cuisine" was recently coined in 1972 by the Gastro critics André Gayot, Henri Gault and Christian Millau.

Similar to the development in other arts strove cooks to overcome old approaches and to find new ways of preparation and the presentation (see Nouvelle Vague and New Wave).

Ten principles were used as basis:

This kitchen often find vegetable puree and braised meat use. There are propagated recipes of regional dishes taken with freshest foods of the season. Special emphasis is placed on the presentation of the dishes, the serving is refined to art.

In Germany, the French chef Paul Bocuse is called as Creator and well-known representative of the Nouvelle Cuisine often. In reality it is but due to the influence of Michel Guérard and Fernand Point.
