Ntomba-Bolia language

Spoken in

  • Niger - Congo languages Benue - Congo languages Bantoide languages Bantu languages Bolia




Bolia (also Bokoki and Bulia ) is a Bantu language spoken by approximately 100,000 people ( 2000 census ) in the Democratic Republic of Congo is spoken.

She is in the Bandundu province north of the May Ndombe Lake widespread.

Bolia is written in the Latin script, parts of the Bible were translated in 1936 Bolia.


Bolia forms with the languages ​​Bamwe, Bangi, Boko, Bolondo, Bomboli, Bomboma, Bozaba, Dzando, Lobala, Mabaale, Moi, Ntomba, Sakata, Sengele and Yamongeri the Bangi - Ntomba group and is part of the Guthrie - area C40.
