
9.133333333333326.966666666667Koordinaten: 9 ° 8 ' N, 26 ° 58 ' E

Nyamlell ( alternative spelling Nymlal ) is a city in the state of Northern Bahr el Ghazal (Northern Bahr el Ghazal ) in South Sudan, northwest of the city of Aweil.

Nyamlell located on a peninsula on the river Lol, about 80 kilometers south of the Bahr al-Arab, which forms the border between North and South Sudan here.

The town in the district of Aweil West features a marketplace. The population in and around Nyamlell a majority share of the black African people of the Dinka. The name Nyamlell means "the place where you eat stones ."

According to reports by Francis Bok and human rights organizations Nyamlell was during the Civil War several times by "Arab " slave traders from northern Sudan invaded (see Slavery in Sudan ). Nyamlell was one of the central places where especially in the 1990s, Christian organizations freely bought slaves on a large scale.
