Ólafur Jóhannesson

Ólafur Jóhannesson ( born March 1, 1913 in Storholt; † 20 May 1984) was an Icelandic politician of the Progress Party ( Framsóknarflokkurinn ) and two-time Prime Minister of Iceland.


Jóhannesson reached its tertiary education ( Stúdentsprof ) in 1935 at the High School of Akureyri and then graduated in law at the University of Iceland, which he completed in 1939. He then worked 1939-1943, first as legal adviser of SIS ( Samband íslenskra samvinnufélaga ) before 1945-1946, he worked in Sweden and Denmark. After his return, he was from 1947 to 1978 Professor of Law at the University of Iceland ( Háskóli Íslands ), where he let down his teaching career in 1971. Between 1947 and 1971 he was also admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court ( Hæstiréttur ).


His political career began in 1959 with the first election for members of the Althing as a candidate of the Progressive Party, for which he initially the district Skagafjardarsysla, then for 20 years from 1959 to 1979 the Norðurland vestra region and finally to his death in 1984 Reykjavík represented in Parliament. He was the successor of Eysteinn Jónsson Chairman of the Progressive Party in 1968.

On 14 July 1971 he took Jóhann Hafstein as Prime Minister of Iceland ( Forsætisráðherra ) and took in his reigning until the election defeat on August 28, 1974 Cabinet at the same time the office of Justice and Church Minister (DOMS -og Kirkjumálaráðherra ). Of 4 October 1971 to 1 January 1972 was also a representative in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. During his tenure, he managed to avoid because of the behavior of the challenger Bobby Fischer against the title holder Boris Spassky and the Soviet delegation also a scandal in the World Chess Championship match in July and August 1972 in Reykjavík. After the collapse of his three-party coalition because of disagreements on the fight against inflation, he sparked initially to the Parliament and called for new elections of June 30, 1974.

After the electoral defeat of the Independence Party in the elections to the Althing in 1978, he took over on 1 September since 1978, the Office of the Prime Minister Geir Hallgrímsson. After he had handed over the post of chairman of the Progressive Party of Steingrímur Hemm on 31 March 1979 he resigned on October 12, 1979 and as prime minister after the ministers of the Social Democratic Party left the cabinet. Successor as prime minister on 15 October 1979, the Social Democrat Benedikt Sigurðsson Gröndal as head of a minority government.

In the reign of Gunnar Thoroddsen he was finally dated February 8, 1980 to May 26, 1983 Secretary of State ( Utanríkisráðherra ).
