Ömerli, Mardin

Template: Infobox city in Turkey / Maintenance / County

Ömerli (formerly Maserti; Aramaic: ܡ ܐ ܥ ܣ ܪ ܜ ܐ Ma'asarte, Kurdish Mehsert ) is a city and the name of a district in the Turkish province of Mardin in southeastern Anatolia. The city has 6,245 Ömerli and the county 14,629 inhabitants ( 2012). Ömerli is centrally located in Mardin. For the district include not only the single people Ömerli still 46 villages and 2 hamlets. Geographically Ömerli a part of the mountain Tur Abdin.

When the place Ömerli has been established is unclear. The oldest traces come from Assyrian times. 1925, the village Maserti became the administrative seat of a Bucaks. By 1953 Ömerli was Bucak as part of the district Savur. Then it was split off and independent. Throughout history, lived in Ömerli many Christians (Chaldeans, Nestorians and Süryani ) that are to be converted to Islam in the 14th century. Today, the city has a mixed Arab- Kurdish population.

The present name Ömerli derives from the name of Mhallami Tribal Ömeryan.
