
Omertà In the narrower sense, the confidentiality of the members of the Mafia and similar criminal organizations to outsiders and is part of the code of ethics of the organization. ( " Penitent " and " confessed " it.) called A person who contravenes, in particular working with the authorities is Pentito.

In advanced degree the Mafia, this unwritten code of silence and of non-members, affected victims and potential witnesses. In particular, in Sicily it is therefore anchored in the population, not to stand as a witness. Accused clarify this reason also unjustified suspicions not to, but instead accept even an erroneous conviction or punishment.

" È Cu surdu, Orbu e taci, campa cent ' anni ' mpaci "

"He who is deaf, blind and mute, lives one hundred years in peace. "


The etymology of Omerta is unclear. Both the Camorra concept of subordination and humility ( Umiltà ) is mentioned as the origin - omerta (or omirtà ) is in southern Italian dialects Umiltà - as well as the Sicilian name for the man: " omu ". The word is detectable in this sense, since about 1800.

Originally thinks Omertà as part of an archaic, masculine concept of honor that you " his things governs itself ' ." For justice, honor and revenge a man must make it myself "


The Omertà prohibits members of the association to speak to non- members on internal affairs. The perceived in the public part of this rule refers to the observable refusal to testify against state institutions, especially the police and judiciary, that is, there are not only no statements about the activities of the organization made ​​, but the existence of the group, and membership is concealed or even actively denied.

"Never open your mouth, unless you're in the dentist 's chair. "

" Open your mouth, never, unless you're sitting in the dentist's chair. "

The silence principle of Omertà however, goes beyond this foreclosure outward beyond and is also a foreclosure inward, that is also within the organization low-ranking members never have complete information. Since the communication channels are strictly hierarchical, that is, the chain of command principle not be bypassed, the Omertà supports this foreclosure upward.

" Each individual is a wall that protects the guy above. Suppose they want with Tamelo: make a deal [ Enrico "Henry" Tameleo underboss of the Patriarca family ]. With Tamelo can do ( directly ) no business. One has to do with someone further down the business. We now introduce a wall. If you come to me, I'm the wall. Next you not come. If I make a deal with you and then with Tamelo, you would never know it. You can hand me over to the police, but never Tamelo because I would not talk ... "

By preventing the information Omertà limited the problem of prisoner's dilemma. In order to enforce Omerta, a breach of this confidentiality is usually punished with death; also a prisoner is aware that his family while (often) be supplied during his detention, but may also be regarded as hostages, to be punished in the form of collective liability.

" In the circle in Which I travel, a dumb man is more dangerous than a hundred rats. "

" In the circles in which I associate, is a stupid [en: " dumb "= orig. " dumb " but also - as here - " stupid " ] man more dangerous than a hundred rats [en: " rat "= orig. " rat " but also - as here - " traitors " ]. "

Adaptations in film, music, literature and games

