Ouanne (river)

The river in Saint- Germain -des- Prés

The Ouanne is a river in France, which runs into the regions of Burgundy and Centre. It rises in the territory of the same community Ouanne, drained generally in a northwesterly direction through the countryside Puisaye and ends after 84 kilometers in the municipality of Conflans -sur -Loing as a right tributary of the Loing, which runs in this area immediately adjacent to the ship channel Canal de Briare. Along the way, Ouanne crosses the departments of Yonne and Loiret.

Places on the river

  • Ouanne
  • Touzy
  • Villiers -Saint -Benoît
  • Saint -Martin- sur- Ouanne
  • Charny
  • Douchy
  • Triguères
  • Château- Renard
  • Saint- Germain -des- Prés
  • Conflans -sur -Loing