Pablo Mieres

Pablo Andrés Gómez Mieres ( born July 30, 1959 in Montevideo) is a Uruguayan lawyer, sociologist and politician.

Mieres, Doctor of Law and Social Sciences, the Partido Independiente belong to, which he is chairman as well. After he was deputy mayor for the Partido Demócrata Cristiano ( Frente Amplio ) from 1 October 1988 to 1 November 1988 and for two days of legislative sessions and 43 for the Partido por el Gobierno del Pueblo already in the 42nd legislative session, had he in the 45th legislative period of 15 February 2000 to 14 February 2005, a full mandate for the Department of Montevideo as the representative of the party Nuevo Espacio in the Cámara de Representantes held.

Mieres also stood as a candidate in the election of the President in 2004, but lost Tabaré Vázquez. He only came to a vote share of 1.84 %. In the 2009 election, he stepped in again, but went out this ballot José Mujica of the Frente Amplio as the winner. Mieres received 57 360 votes, which corresponded to a percentage share of 2.49.
