Paolo Boselli

Paolo Boselli ( born June 8, 1838 in Savona, † March 10, 1932 in Rome ) was an Italian politician and Prime Minister.

Boselli in 1870 was elected to the Italian Parliament for the Conservatives. 17 February 1888 to 6 February 1891, he was Minister of Education under Prime Minister Francesco Crispi; 1894-1896, he served as Minister of Finance.

He supported the entry of Italy into World War II and was due to military failures on 18 June 1916 at the age of 78 after the resignation of Prime Minister Antonio Salandra. Boselli turned out to be not very efficient war - Premier and had on 30 October 1917, after the defeat of Caporetto resign.

In later years, Boselli was fascism inclined, with whom he shared his aversion to socialism.

Since 1914 he was a member of the Accademia della Crusca in Florence.
