Parabel River


Position of the parabola ( Парабель ) in the catchment area of the Ob

The Parable (Russian Парабель ) is a 308 km long left tributary of the Ob in the West Siberian Plain in Russia.


The parabola formed when the village Ust- Tschusik in 62 m height from the headwaters Tschusik from the left and from the right Kjonga that have their origins in the swamps of the Wassjuganje in south-central part of the West Siberian Plain. The river's name has nothing to do with the derived from the Ancient Greek word parable; this is also reflected in Russian with parabola.

The parabola passes through the flat taiga landscape to the left of if, on the territory of Rajons Parable of the Tomsk Oblast, strongly meandering initially in a northerly direction and then gradually turns to the north-east to east. Upon reaching the floodplain of the Ob, the river divides into two branches. The right arm ends after just over 8 km at the river named after the village parabola in the Ob; depending on the water level to flow to the parabola and the water of the Ob through this arm in the opposite direction. The left arm still flows approximately parallel to and 10 to 20 km from the Ob, on another 50 km as the crow in a northwesterly direction before finally - already on the territory of Rajons Kargassok - again in two arms partly that a little later on the edge of the village Kargassok, 7 km above 46 m in height flow into the Ob.

The most important of the many smaller tributaries of the parabola are Karsa and Sotschiga ( Seltschiga ) from the right and Omelitsch ( Jemeldscha ) Tscharus, Verkhnaya Senkina ( Upper Senkina ) Nischnjaja Senkina ( Lower Senkina ) Tissat and Ponigadka from the left, the latter in the lower reaches of the left Mündungsarms the parabola opens.


The catchment area of the parabola comprises 25,500 km ². In the lower reaches of the river reaches a width of about 100 m at a depth of 2.5 m; The flow rate is 0.5 m / s

The river freezes between the second half of October until the first half of November and the end of April-May, followed by a lasting until August flood follows. The water supply of the parabola 153 km above the mouth of an annual average of 87.6 m³ / s with a minimum of 25.8 m³ / s in March and a maximum of 316 m³ / s in May.


The river is navigable for its entire length; as an inland waterway, however, apply only 225 km, as the ship traffic over the short right tributary to the village parabola is performed while the underflow or left tributary not be driven regularly. The headwaters of the parabola are also navigable ( Tschusik 210km, Kjonga 122 km).

The -carrying area is relatively densely populated in the Siberian scale. Riverside lie next parabola and Kargassok the rural settlements Stariza and Nelmatsch with a number of districts. Most of these are also accessible by land. In October 2000, a 225 meter long road bridge was opened on the parabola above the small village, which adjoins the Rajon Kargassok to the Russian road network.
