Paul J. Bradley

Paul Joseph Bradley ( born October 18, 1945 in McKeesport ) is an American clergyman and bishop of Kalamazoo.


The Bishop of Pittsburgh, Vincent Martin Leonard, ordained him a priest on May 1, 1971.

Pope John Paul II appointed him on 16 December 2004 as Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburgh and Titular Bishop of Afufenia. The Bishop of Pittsburgh, Donald William Wuerl, donated him on 2 February of next year episcopal ordination; Daniel Nicholas DiNardo were co-consecrators, Koadjutorerzbischof of Galveston - Houston, and David Zubík, Bishop of Green Bay.

As a motto he chose Waiting in Joyful Hope. On 6 April 2009 he was appointed Bishop of Kalamazoo and introduced into the office on June 5 of that year.
