Pedro Eugenio Aramburu

Pedro Eugenio Aramburu Cilveti ( born May 21, 1903 in Río Cuarto, Córdoba Province; † 31 May or June 1, 1970 in Timote, Buenos Aires Province) was an Argentine general and politician.


Aramburu joined the Argentine Army and rose to during his military career as a general. As such, he became one of the leading critics of the government of President Juan Perón. Worn by a group of army officers disappointed he was one of the initiators of the successful military coup of 21 September 1955 which was later referred to as the " Liberating Revolution". After fleeing into exile Perón's first took over for two days, a military junta led by José Domingo Molina Gómez and then Eduardo Lonardi as a provisional president to power.

On November 13, 1955 Aramburu eventually became president. Although he also announced to want to officiate temporarily as president, he led a campaign directly to the strict " Entperónisierung " of Argentina. In the state-controlled media, there was denunciation and vilification of the former President and First Lady Eva Perón as well as the arrangement of the destruction of their portraits and monuments. At the same time it came to the prohibition of the Peronist Party ( Partido Justicialista ) as well as the arrest of members of the former government. After nearly two years in office, he finally announced the holding of free elections for February 23, 1958. He renounced his candidacy in the presidential elections and handed over on May 1, 1958, the powers of the elected president Arturo Frondizi. He then retired from the army also.

In 1963 he ran unsuccessfully for president against Arturo Umberto Illia.

On 29 May 1970 he was kidnapped by a radical Peronist group and a few days later, presumably murdered by this group because of its interest in the execution of 27 Peronist leaders after an unsuccessful coup d'état of 1956. His mutilated body was discovered on July 16.
