
Peuketien corresponds to the present territory of the province of Bari ( Terra di Bari) in southern Italy. This name was given by the Greeks and the ancient historians who describe a Puglia, in the Daunian ( today's province of Foggia), Peuketien and Messapia ( today's province of Lecce) was divided. This was founded in 700 BC, since groups have been influenced by different cultures of the Greek colonies.

The most important centers were founded by the Peuketiern Sannace, about 5 km away from Gioia del Colle, and Rubi ( Ruvo di Puglia ).

The Peucetians, ethnic group of an ancient Italic people of the Osco - Umbrian group, probably met with the Daunians, Japygen and Messapians in the 11th century BC by Illyria across the Strait of Otranto. After the expulsion of Ausoni (old, legendary name for the west coast of Italy ), they settled in the present province of Bari. From the 4th century BC Rome was subjected Peuketien.

The economy was based on livestock, crafts, which had its greatest development in the spinning mill, and in the weaving of wool.

Important contacts with the colonies of Magna Graecia, first with Metaponto and Taranto were then also. This is confirmed with found coins and vases. Many were also the contacts and wars with the Messapians.
