Pierre Augustin Dangeard

Pierre Augustin Dangeard, full name is Pierre Augustin Clément Dangeard ( born November 23, 1862 in Ségrie in the department of Sarthe, † November 10, 1947 in Ségrie ), was a French botanist and mycologist. Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Padang. ".

Life and work

Dangeard was born on 23 November 1862 in the small community Ségrie. He was the only child of Pascal Francois Dangeard (1822-1863) and his wife Desiree Augustine, born Gallais ( 1837-1906 ). Since his father died early, Pierre Augustin Dangeard grew up with his mother.

He received his basic education at the École voisine in Ségrie. However, his performance at school seem to have been so good that he was given the right to access the Teachers' Training College in Alençon 30 kilometers away. At the local École Normale d' Instituteur, one after the education reforms of Napoleon newly created type Pedagogical universities, he held from 1878 to 1881 teacher training.

After graduating Dangeard was at first in the department of Orne and worked as a teacher, first in Chanu, then in Flers, and finally as Professeur at the collège of Domfront. In addition to his professional activities, he learned at a village priest Latin - then a condition of access to higher education. He subsequently graduated from the baccalaureate and went as Licencié to Caen. Here he studied at the Faculty of Science Biology. After the successful completion of 1883, he remained as Assistant Professor of Botany at the Faculty. In 1886 he was appointed by the Faculty of Science in Paris to the doctor sci. doctorate. He then held in Caen, the position of chef des travaux pratiques and directed the Botanical Laboratory.

In 1891 Dangeard joined as a lecturer - 1894 Professor - of botany at the Natural Sciences to Poitiers. Well established and relatively secure he married in September 1892, the 20 year old Louise Henriette Labrosse, daughter of an admiral. The young family remained until 1908 in Poitiers and Dangeard had at that time with his wife, four children. The eldest son Henri was born in 1893. Then followed in 1895 the second son of Pierre Jean Louis. In 1896, the daughter of Anne Marie Augustine was born in 1898 and was followed by the son of Louis Marie Bernard. The following year, died the eldest son Henri, five years thereafter died in 1904 also Dangeards wife Henriette Louise.

In 1909, Pierre Augustin Dangeard changed again, this time to the Natural Sciences in Paris. Here he was an assistant professor until 1923. As the professor of Botany Institute at the prestigious Sorbonne, Gaston Bonnier, died unexpectedly in December 1922 Dangeard was appointed to the Chair. The ambitious and successful scientists remained until his retirement in 1934 at the Sorbonne. Pierre Augustin Dangeard died on November 10, 1947 at the age of 84 years.

His two sons, Pierre and Jean Louis Dangeard Louis Marie Bernard Dangeard also beat a scientific career. The elder Pierre, with the official botanical author abbreviation " PJLDang. ", Followed in the footsteps of his father, was also a botanist and explored marine algae. His brother Louis was an oceanographer and geologist. He held the Chair of Geology at the Faculty of Science of Caen. About the career of the daughter Anne Marie Augustine Vocationally nothing is known.

Memberships and Honors

Pierre Augustin Dangeard was a respected scientist who worked particularly in the field of algae, fungi and lichens. He was a member of several scientific societies, including the French Botanical Society, which he was president during the First World War, the French Mycological Society ( Société mycologique de France ) and the Paris Academy of Sciences.


1889 founded Dangeard the professional scientific journal Le Botaniste. He himself published widely in this journal. After his death in 1947 his son Pierre Dangeard led the magazine continues as Director.


That father and son Dangeard as working with algae botanist both wore the same first name, namely Pierre, ensured even in professional circles often confusion. Pierre Augustin Dangeard foresaw the name issue. He tried already on the publication of Pierre Dangeards doctoral thesis in the journal Le Botaniste, whose editor he was to meet the, :
