
Pilotwings is a video game series from Nintendo, the games have been published Pilotwings for SNES Pilotwings 64 for the Nintendo 64 and Pilotwings Resort for Nintendo 3DS in the. In addition, the SNES version was released for the Wii Virtual Console.

  • 3.1 Aircraft


The player must complete a series of missions while sitting in various flight vehicles. For example, targets must be destroyed on the ground within a time limit, or it is required that the player flies through a certain number of rings. After each mission, the player will be evaluated with criteria such as time, damage, fuel consumption or land assets.


Pilot Wings is known for using the mode -7 technology, which makes it possible by various effects to make the environment appear three-dimensional. Since the game does not use a true 3D technology, all the buildings and trees are flat " painted" on the ground and appear when the player is far enough in the sky to stand out.

Landing on mobile platforms will be rewarded with bonus missions. Here, for example, a penguin has to be maneuvered into a pool of water, or the player is to move a winged man over several trampolines.


  • Biplane
  • Rocket Belt
  • Hang-glider
  • Parachute
  • Gyrocopter
  • Cannon

Pilotwings 64

Pilotwings 64 places great emphasis on exploring. There are too many little details in the landscape, such as the Loch Ness monster, or Mount Rushmore, in which it was Super Mario perpetuated. The game consists of four islands. An island is a miniature version of the 48 mainland states of the United States.


  • Gyrocopter
  • Rocket Belt
  • Hang-glider
  • Parachute
  • Cannon
  • Jump boots
  • Birdman