Pioneer Heights

- 79.5 - 83.5Koordinaten: 79 ° 30 ' S, 83 ° 30 ' W

The Pioneer Heights (also called Pioneer Hills ) is an area in the northeast of the Heritage Range, the southern part of the Ellsworthgebirges in West Antarctica. They cover a large area with hills, mountains, ridges and peaks east of the Schneider and Schanz Glacier, bounded by Splettstößer Glacier in the north and the Union Glacier in the south.

The Pioneer Heights include the Nimbus Hills, Great Hills, Buchanan Hills, Collier Hills and Inferno Ridge.

The Pioneer Heights was mapped by the United States Geological Survey as part of the compilation of Ellsworthgebirges in the years 1961-66 by site surveys and aerial photographs of the United States Navy. The U.S. Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names gave them as various other parts of the Heritage Range a name that has a reference to the cultural heritage of the United States.
