Piotrówka, Opole Voivodeship

Peter Gratz, Polish Piotrówka, is a village in Upper Silesia in the municipality of heaven joke ( Jemielnica ) in the powiat Strzelecki in the Opole Voivodeship.

Peter Gratz Street is a village located 27 km east of Opole voivodship and the roughly 9 km away from the district town Strzelce.


The colony Peter Gratz was founded in 1832 as a perfectly straight road village of 60 colonists from Friedrich Graetz. Peter Gratz was a branch of the local Bohemian Brethren ( Hussites ). Peter Gratz was named after Pastor Peter Schikora, who was actively involved in the local establishment. 1841 a Protestant school was opened, which in 1882 was replaced by a new building in 1892 was followed by a Protestant church.

In the plebiscite in Upper Silesia in 1921 voted 639 inhabitants for Germany and 169 for Poland - Peter Graetz remained in the Weimar Republic.

1939 lived in Peter Gratz 1525 inhabitants, of whom 1225 were Protestant and the other Catholic residents.

1945, 72 families to the labor camp in Błotnica Strzelecka ( Blottnitz ). 1945 most of the inhabitants were expelled and Poland settled from the fallen to the Soviet Union places bilka Królewska and Radotycz. The place was first renamed Piotrogród, later, the village name was changed to Piotrówka. The local Catholic population now took over the Protestant church in 1946 a separate parish Piotrówka was founded.

In November 2008, the German place name Peter Gratz became official.


  • Catholic Parish Church of the Immaculate Conception 1892
  • Cemetery
  • Primary school from 1882