Plavac Mali

Mali Plavac ( Plavac mali, or, literal translation Little Blue ) is an ancient, indigenous red grape of southern Croatia, and the southern Croatian islands. Outstanding wines such as the Postup, the Faros, Dingač be pressed from it. The full-bodied red wines are usually very dark, rich in alcohol and young sometimes very tannic. The flavors are often reminiscent of cherries, sometimes on blackberries. Their shelf life is excellent.

The vine is probably a cross between the two varieties Dobričić and Crljenac. The latter is probably identical to the Zinfandel and Primitivo with the Apulian. It is extremely niederwüchsig and ertragsarm.

Ethnicity: Crljenac x Dobričić

See also: Croatian cuisine, viticulture in Croatia, List of grape varieties
