Pontifical Urbaniana University

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The Pontifical Urban University (Latin: Pontificia Universitas Urban; Italian: Pontificia Università Urban in short, PUU ) is a University of pontifical right and has its headquarters in the city of Rome.


The Urban University is the main institution of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. Focus of the training is the cultural and scientific education of employees in mission countries as missionaries or mission science professionals and professionals from other disciplines. Since 1966 Seminars and Institutes of philosophy, theology, missiology and church law in Africa, Asia, America, Oceania and Europe are associated with the university.

The Urban divided into the faculties of Philosophy, Theology, Canon Law, and Missiology.


The college was already in 1622 by Gregory XV. planned with the founding of the Congregation De Propaganda Fide. On August 1, 1627, Pope Urban VIII has recognized the bull Immortalis Dei Filius, the " Collegio Urbano de Propaganda Fide ". The college was then founded by the Spanish priest Juan Bautista Vives y Maria ( 1545-1632 ). Urban VIII commissioned Gian Lorenzo Bernini to build the Palazzo di Propaganda Fide, the college -based. Under Innocent X, the palace of Francesco Borromini was completed. 1927 moved Pius XI. the university, which was inaugurated in 1933, from the Piazza di Spagna to the Janiculum. Pope John XXIII. raised on 1 October 1962 shortly before the outbreak of the Second Vatican Council, with the Motu Proprio Fidei Propagandae (German: To spread the faith ) the university to university.

At the Pontifical Urban University also includes the program " San Pietro " and the group " San Paolo " with different theological specializations as well as the College "Mater Ecclesiae " in Castel Gandolfo. There is also the Institute " Paul VI. ".

At the University on the Roman hill Janiculum in 2004 approximately 1,400 students were taught by about 130 professors and lecturers.


  • José Saraiva Martins CMF, 1977-1983
  • ...
  • José Saraiva Martins CMF, 1986-1988
  • Daniel Acharuparambil OCD, 1988-1994
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  • Ambrogio Spreafico, 1997-2003
  • Giuseppe Cavallotti, 2003-2008
  • Cataldo Zuccaro, 2008-2011
  • Alberto Trevisiol, 2011