
Digital Post is a term that became well established for some time, starting from the scenes and discourses of the digital music and art scenes in other areas, such as philosophy, anthropology and the social sciences. It was founded in 2000 by Kim Cascone in his essay The Aesthetics of Failure: introduced into the academic discourse on electronic music 'Post - Digital ' Tendencies in Contemporary Computer Music and refers to a concept first described by Nicholas Negroponte in 1998, in a column an issue of the magazine the Wired was mentioned under the heading Beyond Digital.


" As the air and drinking water will be noticed only by his off and not digital presence. Computer as we know it today, a) will be boring and b ) disappear in things that are something else, first of all: Finger nail designs, self-cleaning shirts, driverless cars, therapeutic Barbie dolls [ ... ] Computers are an important but invisible part of our daily lives be: We will live in them, wear them, even eat them. [ ... ] Check it one - the digital revolution is over. Yes, we live in a digital age, insofar as it allows us culture, infrastructure and economy ( in that order). But the really surprising changes will take place somewhere else in our life and how we control us together on this planet. [ ... ] I mean, it is anticipated that five forces of change are left out of the digital age and profoundly change the planet: 1) global imperatives, 2) comparison of proportions, 3) a redefinition of the time, 4) Social synergies and 5) the insignificance of territories. "

The settings associated with a post- digital entertainment, Negroponte describes accordingly as "Being global, Being big and small, Being prime, Being equal, Being unterritorial ". A short paragraph each explaining what is meant by this. First, there is a shift in focus of attention and discussion by the use of digital media to a more anthropological re- alignment of the reality of life and the consequent adjustments of the possibilities of digital information processing, for example, in the things of daily life.

Music and art

Kim Cascone refers in his article in two main styles of electronic music, glitch and Micro sound. Especially when glitch is a matter of using errors in digital data processing as the basis of compositions. Cascone observed on the basis of these scenes, that with the development of e-business, in the course of which " digital cuddly goods are dumped on the market in mass production by Gigabyte, [ ... ] there is a total of less value to an interest in the composer himself ." Confronted An evaluation of publications regarding a general paradigm with a choice: either to the post- digital society their very own importance hold or it is brought to a valid understanding in context, is involved in the arts as a whole with. The telematics artist and theorist Roy Ascott shows both ways, that the distinction between digital and post- digital part of dealing with the reality. In The Future of Art in a Post Digital Age defined Mel Alexenberg post digital art by a body of artwork that appeal to the humanization of digital technologies, this " through a combination of digital, biological, cultural and spiritual systems [ ... ] " and by Working together, in which the role of the artist is defined anew. In Art after Maurice Benayoun Technology overlooks other possible courses for post- digital art. He points out that the digital tide has changed the entire social, economic, and artistic landscape artist will be oriented on ways by which they seek an escape from the field of technology, without it being possible for them to reject it completely. From low -tech and biotech up to critical fusion ( " an action mode, which is based on situations in which interfere fiction and reality, life and spectacle, virtual and the real, to make the artifices of the banal " ), new art forms from the the digital age.

Philosophy, outlook

Lately, the perception of the Post Digital has become more and more developed with respect to a description of the creative behavior towards the computer age. 2002 Giorgio Agamben describes the new paradigm as a more with things than think about things. As the computer age is also the post- digital one paradigm, but it does not refer to life after the experience of the Digital, but tries to describe the ways these days to explore the consequences of the digital and the computer age. While the computer age have the people, along with our inviting and sinister prostheses, could the post- digital a paradigm produce, with which it is possible to understand this progress.
