Praefectus annonae

The Prefect annonae concerned the supply of grain in the Roman Empire. Whether there was already this function 440 BC, is uncertain. From the equestrian appointed Augustus after 7 AD a permanent Prefect annonae.

Grain supply

Annona (Latin: first, the annual yield, later supply of food, particularly cereals) means the supply of grain requirements in Rome and the municipia well as the market price, especially the price of corn, as well as the Natural delivery of the provinces. The annona civica means a space intended for Rome proportion of payments in kind in Egypt and Africa.

The cura annonae included the state grain provisioning, which belonged to the office area of ​​the aediles in the Roman Republic. The state provided a sufficient quantity of grain at a low price. Against usury cereal stepped in the aediles. After the Second Punic War, the Roman population increased and the cultivation of grain, which is why Sicily and Sardinia were obliged to grain shipments. The sale ( frumentatio ) of a reduced in price grain to registered citizens ( 1 modius for 6 1/3 aces per month ) at the expense of the exchequer ( aerarium ) saw the lex Frumentaria of Gaius Sempronius Gracchus in 123 BC before. Publius Clodius Pulcher began the free grain distribution in 58 BC Gaius Julius Caesar put the number of beneficiaries for reasons of cost of 320,000 to 170,000 down; Augustus increased. The beneficiaries were given a brand ( tessera ) and with this the grain in a magazine ( horreum ). The grain distribution provided the livelihood of the impoverished parts of the population safe and should this take for the incumbent of the Republic and later the emperor.

Praefectus annonae

The aediles were sometimes the cura annonae not perceive why extraordinary officers were appointed. In 57 BC Pompey gained over five years, the cura annonae by national law. Two new aediles ( aediles ceriales ) Caesar entrusted with the cura annonae. 22 BC Augustus took over the cura annonae and appointed 8-14 AD a permanent Prefect annonae of equestrian rank, who with his staff ( officium annonae ) responsible for the grain supply was wearing. Seneca describes its tasks: transport sufficient grain in the magazines without loss through fraud or negligence, and protection against fading and deterioration due to moisture. The staff was in Rome next to the Prefect annonae from: subpraefectus annonae ( annonae urbis, annonae sacrae urbis ), adiutor Prefects annonae, dispensator annonae, tabellarius ex officio annonae, cornicularius Prefects annonae ( military aide ), subcenturio Prefects annonae. In addition, there were personnel in the ports of Ostia, Portus, Puteoli and the provinces. In the municipia the cura was incumbent annonae the aediles and special officials. The Prefect annonae did not count the magistrate, but was extra ordinem utilitatis constitutus causa conferred with the Emperor judicial power and appeal to the emperor. There was a Prefect annonae for Konstantin Opel, a Prefect annonae Africae because of the grain shipments to Rome and since Constantine I a Prefect annonae Alexandriae because of the grain shipments to Constantinople Opel.
