Prince Wilhelm, Duke of Södermanland

Carl Wilhelm Ludvig named William ( born June 17, 1884 in Castle Tullgarn, Södertälje, † June 5, 1965 in Flender ) was a Swedish Prince and Duke of Södermanland.


His parents were King Gustav V of Sweden and Victoria of Baden.

Prince William was married from 1908 to 1914 with the Grand Duchess of Russia Maria Pavlovna ( 1890-1958 ). From the marriage emerged Lennart Bernadotte ( 1909-2004 ).

His partner Jeanne de Leocadie Tram Court (1875-1952) lived with him in Stenhammar castle, officially known as the Castle landlady, from the early 1920s until her death. She died on January 2, 1952 during a snowstorm in a traffic accident, after a visit with Lennart Bernadotte. Prince William, who was driving the car, was not able to recover from this devastating experience for the rest of his life.

William participated in several scientific, ethnographic and archaeological expeditions, including hunting. He visited Thailand, Africa and Central America and was a member of several documentaries. He wrote poems, novels and short stories of their travels. When Prince William he was a well known photographer and author of several books, including America från Estraden ( America from the podium ), 1928 i Känner you lands ( Do you know the country?), 1950.
