VISSIM is a microscopic, multi -modal traffic flow simulation software. The manufacturer is the PTV AG in Karlsruhe. The development VISSIMs began in 1992. VISSIM Today is the world's most widely used multi-modal microscopic traffic simulation. The name " VISSIM " is an acronym of " traffic in towns - simulation model."

Microscopic simulation

" Microscopic Simulation" - sometimes called micro-simulation - means that in the simulation, each functional unit (car, tram, pedestrians) reality has an individual counterpart, the simulation model underlying must consider all relevant properties. Similarly, all interactions between the functional units are calculated individually. Counterpart of microscopic simulation would be a macroscopic simulations (macro simulation), wherein the representation of reality - as in thermodynamics - by average sizes flow and density is carried out. The corresponding product of the same manufacturer called VISA.

Multi -modality

"Multi -modal simulation " refers to the ability of a traffic simulation more than to simulate a kind of traffic. All these different types can interact. In VISSIM, among others, the following types of transport can be simulated:

  • Cars and trucks ( motorized private )
  • Public transport (trains, city trains, trams, buses)
  • Pedestrians ( foot traffic )
  • Cyclists
  • Rickshaws
  • ...

Compare this to: Mode of transport, means of transport, the transport list.


The scope of VISSIM ranges from transport planning, traffic engineering, signal control, public transport, urban planning, and fire protection, evacuation simulation, to visualization, computer animation, only for illustrative purposes.

The first applications of the mid-90s were limited to the simulation of individual intersections. The aim was usually checking the traffic signal control (traffic light programming), so a traffic engineering application.

In so far as the increasing performance of computers has allowed the size of the simulated networks grew. In the simulation of several adjacent crossings, the more negative the backlog from one intersection to another, or far-reaching impact of the introduction of roundabouts, it is possible to consider and evaluate.

Scientific Basis

The traffic model, which is the movement of the vehicles are based, was developed by Rainer Wiedemann (Traffic Engineering ) at the University of Karlsruhe in 1974. There is a car-following model, takes into account the physical and psychological aspects of the driver.

Behind the dynamics of pedestrians is the social force model of Helbing et al. from the year 1995.

Science Award

PTV AG has announced a science prize and competition. Every two years, to submit their VISSIM and VISUM -related posts researchers.
