Puerto Asís

Puerto Asís on the map of Putumayo

Puerto Asís, with 55 759 inhabitants (2005 ), however, the largest city in the province of Putumayo in the south-western Colombia, administrative center is located 60 km north Mocoa.

Puerto Asís is almost on the border with Ecuador ( border town is the village of Ayacucho ) and the union of two headwaters of the Río Putumayo, which is why it also has regional importance as a port. The capital Bogotá is 520 km as the crow flies, the city Pasto in the neighboring coastal province of Nariño about 120 km.

On road links there is only the pass road to Pasto, which runs on Mocoa, and a spur road to the western tributary of the Guamues. The last foothills of the Andes lie 40-50 km to the northwest.
