Pyrola chlorantha

Grünblütiges wintergreen ( Pyrola chlorantha )

The Grünblütige wintergreen ( Pyrola chlorantha ), also Greenish wintergreen, is a species in the subfamily of wintergreen and spruce asparagus plants ( Monotropoideae ) within the family Ericaceae ( Ericaceae ). The genus Pyrola is represented in it with about 35 species. A deprecated synonym of scientific species name is Pyrola virens.


The perennial plant is a Hemikryptophyt with a basal rosette of leaves and 10 to 25 ( to 30) inches high. The round - spateligen, at the top often ausgerandeten basal leaves are 2-3 inches long, dark green and coarse. As with all Pyrola species are evergreen.

The inflorescence is allseitswendig; the nodding, bell-shaped flowers are open - to fourth- to twelfth in the upper part of the often reddish crowded, sharp at the base four -edged stem. Their petals are greenish -white or pale green, triangular sepals are 1.5 to 2 mm long. The stylus obliquely bent downward and are about as long as the crown and longer than the ovary with 6 to 7 mm. The flowering time is in Central Europe, mainly in June ( late May to July ). In general, self-pollination takes place; Moreover, the plant is propagated vegetatively through suckers.

Like all evergreen plants live in symbiosis with the way a root fungus ( mycorrhiza ). This surrounds the roots with a dense mycelium coat and supplies the plant with water and mineral salts while the fungus receives carbohydrates vice versa. Also for the seedling development mycorrhizal crucial seems to be.

Occurrence, hazard

The type is in each Nordic- continental spread both within Eurasia as from North America. Due to Germany 's western frontier of its Eurasian distribution range runs. Something more regular occurrence only exists in parts of the northeast German lowlands and the more eastern highlands (eg in francs). Overall, this is, however, a rather rare plant species whose populations are a result of the widespread eutrophication of the landscape of Central Europe and intensive forestry in decline.

Grünblütiges wintergreen growing in moss -rich herb layer of pine - dry forests ( Dicrano - Pinion ) and of spruce mixed forests. The semi- shady, warm summer locations are characterized by nutrient-poor, base rich in depth, neutral - acidic, musty - humic sandy or clay soils; in upland areas and the modernization layer over limestone or Malm is populated for example. A socialization with other evergreen plants, such as the Birngrün ( Orthilia secunda ), the moss eye ( Moneses uniflora ), the umbels umbellata ( Chimaphila umbellata ) or with the spruce asparagus ( Monotropa hypopitys ) can be occasionally observed.

In Germany the Grünblütige wintergreen is classified as "endangered". In some states with presence of the species, the Red List category is usually higher ( " endangered " or " threatened with extinction " ), only in Bavaria and Brandenburg also "at risk".

