Quercus frainetto

Hungarian oak in the Botanical Gardens of Poznan

The Hungarian oak (Quercus frainetto ) is a kind of deciduous tree of the beech family ( Fagaceae ).


The Hungarian oak is a tree hochwüchsiger (up to about 30 m), which forms the beginning of an ovoid, later rather spherical crown. The bark is light gray, sometimes brownish, and permeated by a dense network of cracks and fissures. The bark of young branches is initially soft hairy, later glabrous. The leaves are oblong to obovate, 10-20 cm long, 4-12 cm wide, deeply incised with seven to ten lobes on each side, the upper side green, down more gray. The petioles are a maximum of up to 10 mm long.

The fruits ( acorns ) sit at second to fourth together, are up to 2 cm long and surrounded at least one third of the hemispherical cup.


The Hungarian oak prefers warm layers and occurs in southern Italy, the Balkans and Hungary. In Central Europe it is used as a park tree.
