Radisson (Montreal Metro)

Radisson is a metro station in Montreal. It is located in the arrondissement of Mercier - Hochelaga -Maisonneuve at the intersection of Rue Sherbrooke and Rue Radisson. Here the green line trains run 1 In 2006, 3,222,548 passengers used the station, which corresponds to the 28th place among the 68 stations of the Metro Montreal.


Designed by the architectural firm Papineau, Gérin - Lajoie, Le Blanc, Edwards Station was built in an open design. The main feature is a high central arch with a bridge-like constructed distribution level above the tracks. In general, round shapes prevail. The two entrance pavilions at the surface consist of a glass curtain wall under a solid concrete roof supported by oblique free-standing pillars.

In 17.4 meters depth, the platform level is with two side platforms. The distances to the neighboring stations, each station measured from end to beginning station, amount to 621.79 meters to 716.99 meters Langelier and Honoré - Beaugrand to. Right next to the station is a bus station, operated by the Agence métropolitaine de transport (AMT) terminus Radisson. From there, run six buses and two night buses the Société de transport de Montréal. There are also a dozen more lines of different companies in the neighboring communities of the regions Rive -Nord, Rive- Sud. In addition, the AMT has a car park and ride facility with 526 parking spaces.


The opening of the station on June 6, 1976, together with the portion of Frontenac -Honoré- Beaugrand on the green line. It is named after the Rue Radisson, named after the French explorer Pierre -Esprit Radisson ( 1640-1710 ).
