Raul Bopp

Raul Bopp (* August 4, 1898 in Villa Pinhal, Itaara, Rio Grande do Sul, † June 2, 1984 in Rio de Janeiro) was a Brazilian poet and diplomat of modernity.


Raul Bopp founded two weekly newspapers in Tupanciretã, studied from 1918 to 1925 Law and practiced the profession of lawyer in Recife and Rio de Janeiro.

From 11 to 18 February 1922, he was with his friends Tarsila do Amaral, Oswald de Andrade and present their own works of poetry in the Semana de Arte Moderna in Theatro Municipal. In Sao Paulo, where on March 18, 1924, Oswald de Andrade, the Manifesto because Poesia Pau -Brasil Correio da Manhã published in Mário de Andrade published in the Revista de Antropofagia in May 1928, the Manifesto Antropofágico, he used to make friends with Jorge Amado and Carlos Drummond de Andrade. He traveled to Brazil and the Amazon basin received inspiration for his book Cobra Norato, which is considered the standard work of the Movimento Antropófago and which he published in part in the led by Álvaro Moreyra magazine Para Todos 1927. He has published in the Revista de segunda dentição Antropofagia. At the request of Américo Faco led the editors of Agência Brasileira de Notícias, in which he interviewed Getúlio Vargas.

In May 1932 he was appointed consular laborers and sent in July to Kobe, where to February 1934 he was chargé d'affaires of the consulate of August 1932. In January 1934 he was appointed consul second class in recognition of his performance. He was sent to Yokohama, where he traveled from November 1935 to January 1936 and was employed until May 1938 at the trade mission. In 1938 he founded in Tokyo the Correio da Asia, in which enrolled Brazilian and Japanese economists and the line after him José Jobim took over. In Correio da Asia, he published in 1938 with José Jobim Articles " Geografia mineral " and " Sol & Banana ". He sent seeds capable of soybean in Brazil.

From 1938 he held the position of Director since Secretaria do Conselho Federal do Comérico Exterior. From 1941 to 1944 he was consul in Los Angeles; there he met Érico Veríssimo again, which there as Director of the Pan American Union in Washington, DC acted. In 1945, he was assigned to the consulate in Lisbon. In 1947, Raul Bopp legation secretary of the management of the Rio Branco Institute at Lafayette de Carvalho e Silva.

From 1953 to 1954, Raul Bopp Affaires in Guatemala City. From June 22 1954 to December 17, 1958, he was Ambassador in Bern. From December 26 1958 to 7 October 1962, he was ambassador to Vienna. From November 12, 1962 to August 4, 1963, he was ambassador in Lima.

In 1977 he was awarded the Prêmio Machado de Assis.

Poetic work

  • Cobra Norato, 1931
  • Urucungo, 1932
  • Poesias, 1947
  • Mironga e outros Poemas, 1978


  • América
  • Notas de um Caderno sobre o Itamaraty
  • Movimentos Modernista no Brasil: 1922/1928, 1966
  • Memórias de um Embaixador, Bopp Passado a Limpo por Ele Mesmo
  • Vida e Morte as Antropofagia
  • Longitudes
  • José Jobim: Geografia mineral. Yokohama no date, 8 ° 318 pp. llustr. (Collection: Correio da Asia)
