
54.356331 - 3.41006Koordinaten: 54 ° 21 ' N, 3 ° 25' W

Ravenglass is a small coastal town in Cumbria, England. The place is located on the estuary of the rivers Esk, Mite and Irt and has a natural harbor. Ravenglass is the only coastal town in the Lake District National Park.

The place exists at least since the second century, when it was an important naval base for the Romans. The place was the southernmost point of the coastal defense of Cumbria, which was an extension of Hadrian's Wall. A road connecting the city with the bearings on the Hardknott Pass and went on to a camp near the present Ambleside. The Romans were about 300 years resident of that place. The only still visible remains of the Roman period are the ruins of a Castle Walls bathhouse called. The Bath House is managed by English Heritage and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site of Hadrian's Wall.

Ravenglass received in 1208 by King John the market rights, weekly on Saturdays takes place after the market. On 5 August, after the royal privilege annually also a year market.

Ravenglass is on the Cumbrian Coast Line railway line and is the western end of the Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway.
