River Dulnain

Old Bridge over River Dulnain

The Dulnain is a river in the Scottish council area of Highland. It is formed by the confluence of three rivers source in 790 m altitude in the Monadhliath Mountains in the traditional Scottish county of Inverness -shire. From there, it flows 45 km in a north-easterly direction. The course of the Dulnain turns gradually to the east. The last two kilometers from the confluence with the Spey Dulnain Bridge at over 215 meters run in a southeasterly direction. The Dulnain overcomes a total height difference of 575 m.

The Dulnain flows mostly through sparsely populated areas. In its course it flows with Carrbridge Dulnain Bridge and only two towns. With the A9 and the A95 crossroads of two highways. In Carrbridge since 1717, the Old Bridge over River Dulnain spans the Dulnain. In this landmark bridge, it could be the oldest stone bridge in the Highlands. The Sluggan Bridge from 1730 is located about four kilometers west of Carrbridge. It is classified as a monument to the highest Scottish monument category A. 1754 a bridge at Dulnain Bridge was built as part of a military road. The bridge was replaced in 1791 and destroyed in the flood of 1829. A replacement was completed the following year.

Sluggan Bridge

Wooden bridge on the upper reaches
