
The Rocky Cape National Park (English: Rocky Cape National Park ) is a national park on the Australian island of Tasmania. The park is located about 400 km north- west of Hobart.

The Lighthouse of Rocky Cape offers a unique view of the Bass Strait. You can find these remains from the time of the Aborigines, as previous cliff dwellings and caves, shipwrecks, rock formations, coastlines, and an incredible number of wildflowers. Possible activities in the park are water sports, fishing, and hiking. The park offers a variety of hiking opportunities, with a duration of 20 minutes to a whole day.


Küstenheiden that occur in the hillier parts of the park, contain hundreds of different plant species, many of which by their abundance of flowers dominate the landscape in the spring and summer. The types are generally characterized by low growing and wind, salt and fire tolerance. In fact, some species grow only after their germination was made possible by a bushfire. Species such as Acacia and Casuarina trees that grow in other areas to shrubs and trees, due to the wind effects remain rather flat. Over 40 Orideenarten were counted in the national park.
