Roman Catholic Diocese of Bauru

The Diocese of Bauru (Latin: Dioecesis Bauruensis ) is a located in Brazil Roman Catholic diocese based in Bauru in Sao Paulo state.


The Diocese of Bauru was born on February 11, 1964 by Pope Paul VI. built with the Apostolic Constitution Christ Gregis out of territory of the Archdiocese of Botucatu and of the Diocese of Lins. It was the Archdiocese of Botucatu is a suffragan.

Bishops of Bauru

  • Vicente José Angelo Marchetti Zionists, 1964-1968, then Archbishop of Botucatu
  • Cândido Rubens Padín OSB, 1970-1990
  • Aloysio José Leal Penna, SJ, 1990-2000, then Archbishop of Botucatu
  • Luiz Antônio Guedes, 2001-2008, then Bishop of Campo Limpo
  • Caetano Ferrari OFM, since 2009