Roman Catholic Diocese of Ruy Barbosa

The Diocese of Ruy Barbosa (Latin: Dioecesis Ruibarbosensis ) is a located in Brazil Roman Catholic diocese based in Ruy Barbosa in the state of Bahia.


The Diocese of Ruy Barbosa was born on November 14, 1959 by Pope John XXIII. da Bahia built with the Apostolic Constitution Ecclesia Mater from annexations of the dioceses Barra, Bonfim and Caetité and the Archdiocese of São Salvador. It was the Archdiocese of São Salvador da Bahia is a suffragan. On April 28, 1979, the Diocese of Ruy Barbosa were parts of its territory from the foundation of the diocese Irecê. The Diocese of Ruy Barbosa was placed under the Archdiocese of Feira de Santana, suffragan on 16 January 2002.

Bishops of Ruy Barbosa

  • Epaminondas José de Araújo, 1959-1966, then Bishop of Anápolis
  • José Adelino Dantas, 1967-1975
  • Mathias William Schmidt, OSB, 1976-1992
  • André de Witte, since 1994

Pictures of Roman Catholic Diocese of Ruy Barbosa
