Roman Catholic Diocese of Santo Tomé

The Diocese of Santo Tomé (Latin: Sancti Thomae Dioecesis in Argentina, Spanish: de Santo Tomé diócesis ) is a location in Argentina Roman Catholic diocese based in Santo Tomé.


The Diocese of Santo Tomé was established on July 3, 1979 by Pope John Paul II to the Pontifical Bull Romani est Pontificis of annexations of the Archdiocese of Corrientes and of the Diocese of Goya. It was the Archdiocese of Corrientes is a suffragan.

Bishops of Santo Tomé

  • Carlos Esteban Cremata, 1979-1985
  • Alfonso Delgado Evers, 1986-1994, then Bishop of Posadas
  • Francisco Polti Santillan, 1994-2006, then Bishop of Santiago del Estero
  • Hugo Santiago, since 2006

Pictures of Roman Catholic Diocese of Santo Tomé
