Roman Holowinsky

Roman Holowinsky ( born July 26, 1979) is an American mathematician who is concerned with analytic number theory (eg sieving ), automorphic forms and L-functions.

Holowinsky studied at Rutgers University, where he in 2001 his bachelor 's degree in mathematics and computer science acquired and earned his doctorate under Henryk Iwaniec 2006 ( Shifted convolution sums and quantum unique ergodicity ). As a post - graduate student, he was 2006/2007 he was at the Institute for Advanced Study (also known as Guest 2009/2010) and from 2008 at the University of Toronto and the Fields Institute in Toronto. Since 2009 he is Assistant Professor at Ohio State University.

With Kannan Soundararajan, he managed to prove the quantum uniqueness Ergodizitäts conjecture ( QUE, Quantum Unique Ergodicity Conjecture of Peter Sarnak, Zeev Rudnick in 1991, inspired by problems from the quantum chaos) for module surfaces. It is about equal distribution of questions of zeros of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on these surfaces. Soundararajan and Holowinsky approached the problem (in which many well-known mathematicians worked and which had been previously solved by Elon Lindenstrauss for Mass waveforms ) in various ways - in the end, supplemented their results.

In 2011 he was awarded the SASTRA Ramanujan Prize. In the same year he was Sloan Fellow.
