
59.18583323.508889Koordinaten: 59 ° 11 ' N, 23 ° 31' O

Rooslepa (Swedish Roslep ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Noarootsi ( Noarootsi vald ) in Lääne in Estonia.

Population and location

The village has 25 inhabitants ( 31 December 2011). To the west of the village center extends the Baltic coast.

The place name is officially bilingual Estonian and Swedish, as the village was part of the traditional settlement area of ​​Estonia Sweden until 1944.

Chapel and Cemetery

Rooslepa is mainly known for his estonia Swedish band from the 1830s. It fell into disuse after the Second World War, but was rebuilt again in 2007 with a bell tower. On top of the weather vane, a whale is shown with open mouth. At the chapel entrance is a historical stone with an autograph of the Swedish Crown Prince Gustav Adolf, who visited in 1932 Rooslepa.

The chapel was built of wood from the 17th century on the site of a house of worship. It was first documented in 1627. This period also saw the establishment of the local cemetery falls. There you will find among others the grave site for the aristocratic Baltic German family dove and the final resting place of the Estonian-Swedish poet Mats Ekman ( Swedish estonia Ätsue Mats; 1865-1934 ).
