Rotkopf (Allgäu Alps)

Redhead from the east between Schneck (left, with its east wall ) and the Laufbacherecksattel (far right edge of the picture )

As a red head is called three inconspicuous summit ridge between Schneck in the south and the run Eck in the north. The three peaks are 2,188 m ( north peak ), 2,194 m (middle peak ) and 2183.4 m ( South Summit ) high.


On the red-head leads no marked path. He can be reached by Laufbacher -Eck - saddle, but requires absolute sure-footedness and freedom. The transition from the middle to the south summit summit is via a narrow, rocky ridge schrofigen, which can only be committed in the riding seat.


The Botany of Rotkopfs is similarly diverse as that of Höfats or worm.
