
Rozella allomycis infects a potty fungus of the genus Allomyces

Cryptomycota ( with crypto - hidden and mycota - Mushrooms ) is the proposed name for a basal group of fungi (Fungi ), which is the sister group to all other. The group was identified using sequence analysis of ribosomal DNA. The only species described within the Cryptomycota is the parasitic fungus Rozella. Since the other Cryptomycota have not yet been grown in culture, derived from the nature of recovered samples all knowledge about them from analyzes. The Cryptomycota attributable DNA sequences were found in aqueous samples from various sources, including marine sediments, fresh water, sulphurous springs and ground.


Unlike other fungi could be detected for Cryptomycota not have chitin and cellulose -containing cell walls. The previously identified cells are 3 to 5 microns long, ovoid cells, which possess a flagellum as mobile zoospores or as flagellenlose cells to other cells such as diatoms sit or as a free, flagellenlose forms may be permanent forms ( cysts ) represent. How exactly relate these forms in a life cycle, and whether other forms exist, is currently unknown.
